Daca doriti si va lasa inima, danati cit puteti Federatiei pentru Unificare si Pace IRFF din MOLDOVA. Adresa pentru donatie:
Anunt - Se caută Voluntari
Se caută Voluntari
A.F. IRFF ONLUS invită tineri de toate vîrstele ce doresc să activeze în echipa noastră ca voluntari!!!
Participanţii vor avea posibilitatea să obţină experienţă în :
1. Traduceri din limbile italiană şi engleză în română şi viceversa;
2. Elaborarea şi scrierea proiectelor,
3. Proiecte media;
4. Proiecte de ajutorare a copiilor orfani;
5. Proiecte din cadrul ONG-lui;
6. Desfăşurarea unei campanii de Fundraising;
7. Relaţii Internaţionale;
8. Laborator de videospoturi;
9. Bloguri etc. legate de Internet
Din experienţa A.F. IRFF ONLUS găsiţi pe adresa web:
Avem onoarea să Vă invităm în fiecare zi de miercuri orele 16:00
la adresa: regiunea Malina Mică, str. Constantin Vîrnav, 13,
mun. Chişinău, RM.
Telefon de contact: (37322) 73-83-30,
blog, forum, chat pe
Join Volunteer, internship programs in Moldova...
Join Volunteer, internship programs in Moldova, Our program named “International Volunteer Academy” invite you to the following placements: Media, IT, Image maker, Organizing free time for children in orphanages, Teachers, English, Fundraising placements.
Placements description: We are seeking year around youth for Volunteer, Internship applications to work for our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit organization. We are looking for youth who is able to take initiative, and has good written and verbal communication skills. Though not a pre-requisite, the following background is preferred: a demonstrated interest in such subjects as international relations, peace building and fundraising, etc NGOs related deals. Enthusiasm for our mission is as important as experience and specific academic background, however. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about peace building, meet members of the nonprofit community in
Our Organization seeks youth, students, graduate students, undergraduate and any volunteers who will have the opportunity to be exposed to a wide range of work and experiences.
Following placements are available at our Association, NGOs, orphanages, medical and other places of our partners:
• Media -Writing articles etc. media work
• IT - Administration of networks and computers, - Migration of computers from Windows to Linux
• Image maker -Making booklets, - Creating video spots, -Creating thematic photos, - Making promotional materials
• Organizing free time for children in orphanages: - Sport trainers, - Swimming trainers, -Team building games
• Teachers - English
• Fundraising -Writing grant proposals, Attract sponsors and investors 1. Looking and find sponsors for the planed project of Association, 2. Looking and find sponsors or foundations where could be sent projects proposals of Association
3. Fill out projects applications proposals of Association
4. Keep contact and constant update information with sponsors and foundations about applied project
5. Asking projects coordinator or director any questions concerning well writing of projects proposals
6. Help edit in English and well write already writed projects proposal of Association
7. Find proper statistics to show importance of the project proposal
8. Connect association with International communities by developing partnerships and constantly promote image of Association
9. Active work with Association team in implement of its projects
10. Came with initiatives to develop related programs.
11. Sharing best practices with Association team members
12. Assist Association work in maintaining our field programs & partners
Volunteer duties may include also the following:
• Event planning ,• Fundraising ,• Country research ,• Program research ,• Maintaining databases ,• Logistical support
• Proofreading and writing reports, etc. office and field work
Other data: Country –
Duration- between 1 week - 44 Months ,Start date- any time just came.,Remuneration- € 0 per month ,Working week- full-time
Training- Provided, Required languages- English or Romanian or Russian.
Organization is will help to look for and find Accommodation
The cost of the program is 100 Euros a donation for our charity and includes placement arrangements and all administrative costs regarding you placement.
We provide non-paid Volunteer/internship placement and participants will cover all his personal expenses during the programs however our program and education is for free.
Application instructions:
Email or mail Curriculum Vitae in English or Russian or Romanian, at .
After contacting us, we will offer more information about these issues. Some info about us on
Our videos:
PS: 1. VISA INFO: The citizens of the following states do not need visas for the entry on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for a period of stay until 90 days: * the member states of the European Union - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, * Canada, Japan, Iceland, Norway, Swiss Confederation, USA;
* CIS member states:
The foreign citizens who are not indicated above can enter the territory of the
(More info about below) More Visa info, official site:
2. More there are thousands of opportunities, here are some examples:
Children and young people:
-playgroups, homework clubs, youth groups, holiday schemes, Scouts, Guides, mentoring.
Older people:
-visiting, befriending, practical help such as gardening or shopping, helping at day centers, meals on wheels.
Children or adults with special needs:
-befriending, providing respite for careers, recording books or newspapers for people with visual impairments.
-visiting patients, providing transport, hospital radio, hospital guides, organizing the loan of books and magazines to patients.
Advice work:
-working with people on issues of welfare or consumer rights.
-alcohol and drug issues, relationship issues, supporting victims of crime, youth counseling.
Work with those recovering with mental health problems:
- befriending and assisting with social activities.
Work with the criminal justice system:
-prison visiting, support for prisoners and their families, special projects for ex-offenders.
Work with the homeless:
-information and advice, assisting in outreach programmers.
Work in the environment/conservation:
-estoring canals, clearing paths and communal areas, planting trees, wildlife restoration.
-organizing events like sponsored walks, working in a charity shop, helping with a flag day.
Emergency services:
-mountain rescue, lifeboats.
join the management committee of a voluntary or community group.
Sports and leisure:
-coaching, leadership, organising activities.
Arts and heritage:
-helping in museums, community arts and drama.
Work with animals:
-helping at animal sanctuary, riding for the disabled.
Community development and campaigning:
-joining the residents group, campaigning or lobbying on local issues.
Please reply about, sincerely:
Relief and Friendship Moldova Team - Join an international forerunner of leaders, Who by living for the greater good, are transforming the world to be One worldwide family of humankind under God to live in peace and prosperity. Through relief and friendship projects, We constantly help orphans, children, youth, families, and communities to build future of peace.
Support by facebook:
L’invitation des bénévoles...
L’invitation des bénévoles, internes aux placements de charité en Moldavie á Image maker, Media, Technologie d’information, l’organisation des temps libre pour les enfants des orphelinats, professeurs,anglais, les fonds d'investissement, invitation à l’Académie de Volontariat International.
Description d’emplacement: Nous cherchons au cours de l’anée parmi les jeuns pour volontariat et applications de travail interne pour travailler pour notre croissane et développement rapide comme organization noncommercial. Nous cherchons des jeuns qui sont capables de prendre l’initiative et ont des abilites de communication ecrite et orale. Malgré aux non pre-condition on préfére les fons suivants: un intérêt démontré de telles sujets comme les relations internationales,construction de la paix et collection des fons etc, les Organisations Non Gouvernementales intéressés s’impliquent.L’ enthousiasme pour notre mission est ausssi important comme experience et fond academique special. C’est une bonne possibilités pour apprendre plus d’information concernant la construction de la paix, la reunions de membres des organizations noncommerciales de Moldavie, et apprendre la logistique des organization des members.Vous avez aussi la possibilité de visiter les places historiques et Saints de Moldavie, également la langue Roumaine et russe etc.
Notre organization cherche des étudiants qui font encore leur etudes, des étudiants qui ont déjà terminé leurs etudes Our Organization seek full-time students, graduate students,les étudiants et les autres bénévoles auront la possibilité d’avoir une large catégorie de travail et d’experiences.
Les placements suivants sont disponibles pour notre association, des Organisations Nongouvernementales, des orphelinats, des établissements medicals et d’autres places de nos partenaires:
• Le Media -la publicayion des articles, le travail de presse.
• La Technologie d’InformationIT -L’administration des reseaux d’internet et des ordinateurs, - le changement des ordinateurs de Windows à Linux
• Image maker -la fabrication des brochures, - la création des spots videoCreating, -la création des photo tématique, - la fabrication des matériaux de promotion.
• L’Organisation de temps libre pour les enfants de l’Orphelinat: - Des entraînemments sportifs, -des entraînemments de natation , -l’organisation des jeux en équipe.
• Professeurs - Anglais.
• Collection des fonds -rediger des offres des allocations,l’attractions des sponsors et des investisseurs chercher et de trouver des sponsors pour les projets planifiés de l’Association, 2. De cherche et de trouver des sponsors ou des fondations où peuvent etre envoyés les propositions des applications de projets.
3.De completer des propositions des applications de projets de l’Association
4. Etablir des contacts et la mis au jour constante des informations concernant les sponsors et fondations en ce qui concerne les projets appliqués.
5. De demander au coordinateur des projets ou au directeur toute question qui concerne le bon redigement des projets proposés
6. L’aide concernant la redaction en English et de redaction des projets proposes de l’association écrits déjà.
7. De trover des statistiques approprié pour demontrer l’importance des projets proposés importanceFind.
8. L’association de conection avec Les communautés internationals par l’intermediaire du developpement des parteneriats et de promover constantement l’image de l’Association.
9. Le travail active aves l’équipe de l’Association dans l’application de ses projets.
10. De venir avec des initiatives pour developer les programs concernées.
11.De partager le meilleure possible l’experience avec l’équipe des members de l’Association.
12. Assister le travail de l’Association pour maintenir notre champ des programmes et partenaires:
• La planification des événements
• L collection des fonds
• Le recherche du pays
• La programme de recherche
• De maintenir la base des données
•Le support logistique
• La correction et la rédaction des repports.
etc. bureau et champ de travail.
Des autres données: Les pays – Moldova, Les région -Moldova, les villages- Chisinau, Moldova,
La durée-entre 1 semaine – 40 mois
La date du commencement- flexible
La remuneration- € 0 par mois
Les journée de travail- tout le temps
L’entrainement- Assuré
La langue demandé- l’anglais
L’organisation aidera pour chercher et trouver l’hébergement.
Le coût de la programme est 200 euros,le placement, l’arrangement et tous les coûts administratifs concernant votre placemen.
Nous offrons le placement gratuit des bénévoles et le We provide non-paid Volunteer placement et bénévoles payront pout tous leurs personnal frais Durant la programme de Volontariat la programme pour le volontariat est pourtant gratuit.
En plus la programme offer multiples possibilité pour les bénévoles
Les instructions d’Application.
Email ou le resumé par mail, Curriculum Vitae, sur .en anglais
Après nous avoir contacté, nous vous offons plus d’information concernant ce problème.Queques information vous pouvez trover sur le site
L’équipe du fonds d’aide et d’ amitié de Moldavie – Runir une association des prédécesseurs des leaders, qui en cherchant pour le mieu, transforme le monde dans une grande famille de l’hummanité soumisse au Dieu pour vivre en paix et prospérité. Par l’intermadiaire des projets d’amitiéThrough , nous accordons constantements des aids aux orphelins ,des enfants, des jeuns, des familles, et des communautés dans la construction de la paix et pour une développement prospère.
Efectele Fumatului
Daunele Fumatului
21 mai 2009
Long Distance Adoption Project...
Our IRFF ONLUS activity started with the “Long distance adoption” Program in June 2001). This project starts its work in 1997 by IRFF Italy. But was difficult to control project work from Italy, and we IRFF ONLUS took responsibility for this project. We are helping children from 2 orphanages in 2 cities of Moldova. Italians colleagues are meeting inspired people in Italy who want to support financially one or more orphan children from Moldova orphanages; we call these volunteers “adoptive parents”. They are sending money to support their “adoptive children” in Moldova. In this way orphan children who receive very poor state support, are benefiting the support of their “adoptive parents”; this support means clothes, school supplies, medical care and other basic needs. This program is a long-term project and is now developing more.
You also can sponsor one or more children. At the moment we do have 40 more children to sponsor.
Application Form
With your application form also you can specify the characteristics (age, gender etc…) of the child that you would like to sponsor.
Please send application form to email:
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